Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong
  • Title:
    Assistant Coach


  Coach Louis Armstrong joins the men’s basketball team for his second year as an assistant coach. Coach Armstrong is a dedicated member of the Cañada College athletics community, bringing a wealth of experience and passion to the team. With certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association and deep roots in the Bay Area, Coach Armstrong is committed to nurturing the holistic development of student athletes.

Coach Armstrong learned valuable lessons during his time as an assistant at Skyline College from 2017-2019. The experience provided a unique insight into coaching strategies and player dynamics, shaping Coach Armstrong's approach profoundly. 

As a former junior college athlete, Coach Armstrong is dedicated to nurturing the potential within each student athlete. His holistic approach encompasses personal training and mental skills training, emphasizing the importance of both athletic prowess and emotional intelligence. Coach Armstrong's coaching philosophy is enriched by this experience, emphasizing the importance of mentorship, teamwork, and skill development. With a focus on both physical and mental training, Coach Armstrong continues to inspire and guide student athletes, ensuring they not only excel in their sport but also thrive in life.